

19.00 €
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Code EAN : 9782910333249
Editeur : LAQUET
Date de parution : 17/06/1999
19.00 €
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Burgundy has, through the centuries, founded a true culinary heritage by uniteing its rural harvests with gastronomy. Claudine Duluat and Martin Cantegrit help us to rediscover this heritage, either through traditional classics - pauchause, gougères or parsleyed ham - or by penetrating the secrets of a delicate, subtle and refined cuisine - crayfish in Chablis, pike mousse and other mouth-watering marvels.
However, such a diverse range of a region's culinary resources would be incomplete if it were not puctuated, exalted in burgundy's case, by a presentation of the wine or wine adapted to each recipe. It is for this reason that the authors have chosen to present wines carefully selected to enhance each dish. The reader will encounter the names of the greatest wines in France, but will also discover appellations or owners of vineyards which are less well-known but just as captivating.
TRADUCTION Recettes et vins de Bourgogne de Claudine Duluat et Martin Cantegrit. Oufs en meurette, pauchouse, gougères ou jambon persillé - pénétrez les secrets d'une cuisine savante, nuancée et délicate - écrevisses au Chablis, suprême de brochet et autres merveilles alléchantes sans oublier d'aborder pour chaque recette l'harmonie du vin et du mets. Découvrez des vins prestigieux mais aussi des appellations réputées et des propriétaires de vignoble dignes de défendre leur renommée.
Prix spécial de l'Académie internationale des Gourmets Format 20 x 23 cm. 144 pages. 27 photos coul. Cartonné.

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